Where we are & How to find us
Find Our Letterkenny B&B
How to find our Letterkenny b&b – Pennsylvania House is very easy to find, you will find below the GPS co-ordinates and some simple directions. Pennsylvania House also has visible sign posts along the road helping direct you to us.
G.P.S = 54.9774-773358.
Pennsylvania House is located along the N56.
When approaching Letterkenny from Ballybofey or Derry, Continue into town until you arrive at Station Roundabout.
Take 3rd exit off roundabout.
Continue 200 metres until you approach a mini roundabout (Oatfield Roundabout).
Then take the first exit (Sharp Left) up De Valera Road (Steep Hill) until reaching Hospital roundabout.
Next take the 3rd exit (Kilmacreannan Road).
Continue straight through next Roundabout (Knocknamona).
Continue onwards until reaching Mountain Top Roundabout.
Exit a sharp left on to The Curraghlea Road, Pennsylvania House is approximatley 200 meters ahead.
When you approach Pennsylvania House b&b you will see two our Pennsylvania House sign & as you can see in the picture below there is two eagle statues situated at our gateway.